Data frames and tables in Scala


To statisticians and data scientists used to working in R, the concept of a data frame is one of the most natural and basic starting points for statistical computing and data analysis. It always surprises me that data frames aren’t a core concept in most programming languages’ standard libraries, since they are essentially a representation of a relational database table, and relational databases are pretty ubiquitous in data processing and related computing. For statistical modelling and data science, having functions designed for data frames is much more elegant than using functions designed to work directly on vectors and matrices, for example. Trivial things like being able to refer to columns by a readable name rather than a numeric index makes a huge difference, before we even get into issues like columns of heterogeneous types, coherent handling of missing data, etc. This is why modelling in R is typically nicer than in certain other languages I could mention, where libraries for scientific and numerical computing existed for a long time before libraries for data frames were added to the language ecosystem.

To build good libraries for statistical computing in Scala, it will be helpful to build those libraries using a good data frame implementation. With that in mind I’ve started to look for existing Scala data frame libraries and to compare them.

A simple data manipulation task

For this post I’m going to consider a very simple data manipulation task: first reading in a CSV file from disk into a data frame object, then filtering out some rows, then adding a derived column, then finally writing the data frame back to disk as a CSV file. We will start by looking at how this would be done in R. First we need an example CSV file. Since many R packages contain example datasets, we will use one of those. We will export Cars93 from the MASS package:


If MASS isn’t installed, it can be installed with a simple install.packages("MASS"). The above code snippet generates a CSV file to be used for the example. Typing ?Cars93 will give some information about the dataset, including the original source.

Our analysis task is going to be to load the file from disk, filter out cars with EngineSize larger than 4 (litres), add a new column to the data frame, WeightKG, containing the weight of the car in KG, derived from the column Weight (in pounds), and then write back to disk in CSV format. This is the kind of thing that R excels at (pun intended):

df = df[df$EngineSize<=4.0,]
df$WeightKG = df$Weight*0.453592

Now let’s see how a similar task could be accomplished using Scala data frames.

Data frames and tables in Scala


Saddle is probably the best known data frame library for Scala. It is strongly influenced by the pandas library for Python. A simple Saddle session for accomplishing this task might proceed as follows:

val file = CsvFile("cars93.csv")
val df = CsvParser.parse(file).withColIndex(0)
val df2 = df.rfilter(_("EngineSize").
val wkg=df2.col("Weight").mapValues(CsvParser.parseDouble).
val df3=df2.joinPreserveColIx(wkg.mapValues(_.toString))

Although this looks OK, it’s not completely satisfactory, as the data frame is actually representing a matrix of Strings. Although you can have a data frame containing columns of any type, since Saddle data frames are backed by a matrix object (with type corresponding to the common super-type), the handling of columns of heterogeneous types always seems rather cumbersome. I suspect that it is this clumsy handling of heterogeneously typed columns that has motivated the development of alternative data frame libraries for Scala.


Scala-datatable is a lightweight minimal immutable data table for Scala, with good support for columns of differing types. However, it is currently really very minimal, and doesn’t have CSV import or export, for example. That said, there are several CSV libraries for Scala, so it’s quite easy to write functions to import from CSV into a datatable and write CSV back out from one. I’ve a couple of example functions, readCsv() and writeCsv() in the full code examples associated with this post. Now since datatable supports heterogeneous column types and I don’t want to write a type guesser, my readCsv() function expects information regarding the column types. This could be relaxed with a bit of effort. An example session follows:

    val colTypes=Map("DriveTrain" -> StringCol, 
                     "Min.Price" -> Double, 
                     "Cylinders" -> Int, 
                     "Horsepower" -> Int, 
                     "Length" -> Int, 
                     "Make" -> StringCol, 
                     "Passengers" -> Int, 
                     "Width" -> Int, 
                     "Fuel.tank.capacity" -> Double, 
                     "Origin" -> StringCol, 
                     "Wheelbase" -> Int, 
                     "Price" -> Double, 
                     "" -> Double, 
                     "Weight" -> Int, 
                     "Model" -> StringCol, 
                     "Max.Price" -> Double, 
                     "Manufacturer" -> StringCol, 
                     "EngineSize" -> Double, 
                     "AirBags" -> StringCol, 
                     "Man.trans.avail" -> StringCol, 
                     "" -> Double, 
                     "RPM" -> Int, 
                     "" -> Double, 
                     "MPG.highway" -> Int, 
                     "" -> Int, 
                     "Rev.per.mile" -> Int, 
                     "Type" -> StringCol)
    val df=readCsv("Cars93",new FileReader("cars93.csv"),colTypes)
    val df2=df.filter(row=>[Double]("EngineSize")<=4.0).toDataTable

    val oldCol=df2.columns("Weight").as[Int]
    val newCol=new DataColumn[Double]("WeightKG",{_.toDouble*0.453592})
    val df3=df2.columns.add(newCol).get

    writeCsv(df3,new File("out.csv"))

Apart from the declaration of column types, the code is actually a little bit cleaner than the corresponding Saddle code, and the column types are all properly preserved and appropriately handled. However, a significant limitation of this data frame is that it doesn’t seem to have special handling of missing values, requiring some kind of manually coded “special value” approach from users of this data frame. This is likely to limit the appeal of this library for general statistical and data science applications.


Framian is a full-featured data frame library for Scala, open-sourced by Pellucid analytics. It is strongly influenced by R data frame libraries, and aims to provide most of the features that R users would expect. It has good support for clean handling of heterogeneously typed columns (using shapeless), handles missing data, and includes good CSV import:

val df=Csv.parseFile(new File("cars93.csv")).labeled.toFrame
println(""+df.rows+" "+df.cols)
val df2=df.filter(Cols("EngineSize").as[Double])( _ <= 4.0 )
println(""+df2.rows+" "+df2.cols)
println(""+df3.rows+" "+df3.cols)
val csv = Csv.fromFrame(new CsvFormat(",", header = true))(df3)
new PrintWriter("out.csv") { write(csv.toString); close }

This is arguably the cleanest solution so far. Unfortunately the output isn’t quite right(!), as there currently seems to be a bug in Csv.fromFrame which causes the ordering of columns to get out of sync with the ordering of the column headers. Presumably this bug will soon be fixed, and if not it is easy to write a CSV writer for these frames, as I did above for scala-datatable.

Spark DataFrames

The three data frames considered so far are all standard single-machine, non-distributed, in-memory objects. The Scala data frame implementation currently subject to the most social media buzz is a different beast entirely. A DataFrame object has recently been added to Apache Spark. I’ve already discussed the problems of first developing a data analysis library without data frames and then attempting to bolt a data frame object on top post-hoc. Spark has repeated this mistake, but it’s still much better to have a data frame in Spark than not. Spark is a Scala framework for the distributed processing and analysis of huge datasets on a cluster. I will discuss it further in future posts. If you have a legitimate need for this kind of set-up, then Spark is a pretty impressive piece of technology (though note that there are competitors, such as flink). However, for datasets that can be analysed on a single machine, then Spark seems like a rather slow and clunky sledgehammer to crack a nut. So, for datasets in the terabyte range and above, Spark DataFrames are great, but for datasets smaller than a few gigs, it’s probably not the best solution. With those caveats in mind, here’s how to solve our problem using Spark DataFrames (and the spark-csv library) in the Spark Shell:

val df ="com.databricks.spark.csv").
                         option("header", "true").
val df2=df.filter("EngineSize <= 4.0")
val col=df2.col("Weight")*0.453592
val df3=df2.withColumn("WeightKG",col)


If you really need a distributed data frame library, then you will probably want to use Spark. However, for the vast majority of statistical modelling and data science tasks, Spark is likely to be unnecessarily complex and heavyweight. The other three libraries considered all have pros and cons. They are all largely one-person hobby projects, quite immature, and not currently under very active development. Saddle is fine for when you just want to add column headings to a matrix. Scala-datatable is lightweight and immutable, if you don’t care about missing values. On balance, I think Framian is probably the most full-featured “batteries included” R-like data frame, and so is likely to be most attractive to statisticians and data scientists. However, it’s pretty immature, and the dependence on shapeless may be of concern to those who prefer libraries to be lean and devoid of sorcery!

I’d be really interested to know of other people’s experiences of these libraries, so please do comment if you have any views, and especially if you have opinions on the relative merits of the different libraries.

The full source code for all of these examples, including sbt build files, can be found in a new github repo I’ve created for the code examples associated with this blog.

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I am Professor of Statistics within the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Durham University, UK. I am an Bayesian statistician interested in computation and applications, especially to engineering and the life sciences.

7 thoughts on “Data frames and tables in Scala”

  1. Thank you for posting this summary you’ve definitely saved me some time I’ve been learning Scala and hoping to move up to Scala. I selected a wide govt dataset to see what Scala can do. Your comments on data.frame bolt ons resonate with my observations so far.

  2. Hi Sir,
    I have a file that has (x, y, z) coordinates of 10 frames of a object. When I create the Data Frame, I get error. The code is given below.

    val schema_each_atom = Row(Seq(
    StructField(“x”, DoubleType, false),
    StructField(“y”, DoubleType, false),
    StructField(“z”, DoubleType, false)))

    var file_text = sc.textFile(file_name)
    var header = file_text.first()
    file_text = file_text.filter(row => row != header)

    var temp_data = => regex.findAllMatchIn(s).
    var frames_from_file = temp_data.grouped(10).toList

    frames_from_file.foreach { x =>
    var each_atom_coord = x.grouped(number_of_atoms) => x.toSeq)

    var rdd_each_atom_coord = sc.makeRDD(each_atom_coord)
    var frame = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd_each_atom_coord, schema_each_atom)

    Value rdd is not a member of String (rdd_each_atom_coord) and Value schema is not a member of String (schema_each_atom).

    I am still learner on spark scala and your post helps me a lot to understand the things.
    Can you help me to sort out the error?

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